Take advantage of the SLIM grant for learning and development in SMEs

Apply for a SLIM grant for the development of your staff?
We can help you with the subsidy application and of course also take care of the implementation of the plan.
Training and development are important in order to keep people employable. This is not only important for companies, but for society as a whole. For SME entrepreneurs, however, it is sometimes difficult to estimate exactly what their company and employees need in this area.
That is why the government has created a new subsidy scheme: the Stimuleringsregeling voor Leren en Ontwikkelen in MKB-ondernemingen. In other words: the SLIM scheme. As a result, you can apply for subsidies for various activities related to learning and development. 60-80% of the costs you invest as an SME in the development of your people are eligible for subsidy.
We believe that people enjoy their work more and are more successful if they do what suits their talents. Assessments provide insight into people's motives, qualities and development potential.
What can we do?
H&G has been a well-established partner for many companies in the SME sector for many years. We provide comprehensive (development) assessments for both your current and future employees.
We can take care of the entire process, from drawing up a plan for the subsidy application and making the subsidy application to personal development advice for each employee.
Are you curious about the possibilities for your company? Then get in touch with us secretariat.